A Family Constellations Workshop with Norina Shorter
To 'acknowledge what is' involves a deep, healing movement of the soul. It requires us to embrace the excluded, agree to fate, and open our hearts to the bigger story of who we are. In this workshop we will be exploring the untapped resources held in what has been 'unseen' in our wider system, and taking a reverential bow to history.
Family Constellations workshops often have two ticket options for 'representative place only' or 'issue holder place' (those who come with a matter they wish to have 'constellated'). Norina follows a different approach with her facilitation, and allows every participant the opportunity to bring an issue on the day. This allows for the wider field of the group to reveal which person's process will best serve the group as a whole. In this way, all receive equal value, whether as representative, witness or issue holder.
Ticket pricing is on a sliding scale and is self assessed. You choose your ticket based on what you feel most comfortable paying. There is no difference in what you have access to in the workshop.
On the day, between 3 and 5 people will have the opportunity to have their personal matter constellated.
For more information on Family Constellations and Norina Shorter, go to: www.livinglightsoulhealing.com