Matrix Reimprinting
Matrix Reimprinting is a healing modality that has been built upon the foundations of the Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) but takes it a step further by allowing new memories and new belief systems to be formed in the subconscious mind. It connects people with their past traumas and core beliefs in a safe way and effectively enables them to actively transform these memories into supportive memories for the rest of their lives. In this respect, Matrix Reimprinting is a very powerful, liberating and empowering process for any individual who has suffered from emotional trauma in their life. It is also very helpful with any physical illness which has psychosomatic or an emotional aspect.
Areas where Matrix Reimprinting is known to be of particularly beneficial are:
Relationship Issues
Money Issues
Pain Management
Anxiety / Depression
PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder)
Stress Management
Emotional Freedom Technique
Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) is great at working on the subconscious mind and removing trauma from the body. We combine this technique with Matrix Reimprinting (which is built on the foundations of EFT) to not only clear the trauma, but to also rewrite a new positive memory and a new belief system, which will serve you for life. This allows for a much more powerful and memorable experience and a deeper level of healing. Choosing this approach allows you to not only harness all the benefits of EFT but also start to rewrite any negative subconscious belief systems which determine how we view ourselves and the world around us.
Sounds of the Subconscious
Sound Healing is one of the oldest forms of healing known to man. We are now realizing how powerful sound can be when used for healing. Sound effects the cells in our body. There is a unique power for healing that is contained in our voices. When we sing we resonate every cell in our body. The sounds we make with our voice affect us in many ways. The harmonics in our voice give it its unique colour. When we hear sounds that are rich in harmonics it often takes us into altered states of consciousness. These altered states of consciousness seem to be an essential part of the healing process. There is a relaxation of the rational mind and an opening to new ways of being which are more whole and healthy. Ancient cultures knew about the healing power of sound and created structures that were essentially sound chambers. This knowledge is used by Shaman’s all over the world. Research into the healing power of musical intervals helps us to understand why each of us is drawn to different types of music for relaxation, upliftment and healing. Sound healing offers us all the possibility of a drug free way of treating pain and illness as well as a way of tuning ourselves to the higher healing levels of our sub-consciousness.
Visualisation is and was used as a powerful element to master life and heal our inner self since ancient times and transform our inner life towards more peaceful states of harmony. Our subconciousness speaks in a language of symbols and pictures that can be used to connect with it and induce changes that can overcome self sabotage and the so called inner critic once we are in the right state and use this powerful imagery language to enrich our path and heal.
Gürol uses a very ancient form of meditation adapted for the western mind that can be called solution based meditation that reaches deep into our innerself to initiate solutions or changes and reach a higher level of inner peace. The area of using meditation for self-healing has been of great interest to brain researchers around the globe. Numerous studies have revealed the relationship between meditation and various aspects of health and wellbeing. It would seem that the brains of long-term meditators are wired a bit differently than those of non-meditators. Two regions of the brain are responsible for depression, anger, stress and anxiety: the right prefrontal cortex and the amygdala. These regions become overly active when your mind is agitated or you’re upset. The left prefrontal cortex, on the other hand, is associated with feelings of peace, happiness, self-awareness and positivity. This region is activated in the brains of consistent meditators. So is the production of the “happy” neurotransmitter serotonin – in fact, some anti-depressants artificially increase serotonin, and that’s what makes people feel less blue. Clinical studies have also linked production of dopamine with meditation. Dopamine is the neurotransmitter that helps create feelings of pleasure and reward. Meditation is believed to influence the sympathetic nervous system, keeping blood pressure, respiration and heart rate in check. When poorly controlled, these are the physical parameters that go hand in hand with feelings of stress and anxiety. There’s no question that stress and anxiety are linked to a wide variety of maladies, including heart attacks, high blood pressure, digestive issues, sexual dysfunction and insomnia. And science concurs that many forms of meditation help reduce stress, starting with mindfulness, as practiced in Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction for example, and Transcendental Meditation.
Gürol Arslan
Gürol Arslan has been working as a personal mentor and life catalyst for 16 years successfully with individuals of all backgrounds and professions around the world. He works with leading edge transformational techniques including; EFT, Matrix Reimprinting, sounds, powerful visualisation techniques and meditation. Gürol has a deep compassion for people, works with warmth and humour and is known to be highly intuitive, allowing the many roots of the issues to be reached quickly and other important insights to be realised to sustain happiness in the long run. Gürol works with individuals and groups of all ages starting from 7 years and aims to find and to use the most effective techniques out there to facilitate transformation. He deeply believes it is in everyone's ability to live in a state of deep peace and joy, and is motivated to facilitate these in others. His creativity and passion to help to bring out the best in people motivates him to continuously develop in the field of personal and spiritual development. He believes we are increasingly finding better and more effective ways to live our best lives in timescales that would have been impossible just few decades ago.
£85 per session online and face to face - booking of 5 Sessions Pack 20% off the price equaling £340.
5 Sessions Package: After the first session the Client can decide to continue or discontinue. If they continue the second session the package is fully bought. If the client decides to stop after the first session the regular single price will be deducted from the package price and the rest amount refunded to the client.
Clients can donate to a private fund to finance sessions for people in need.
Contact Details:
Email: arslan.gurol@icloud.com Mob: 07541978796