Family Constellations is a profound and highly unique technique that reveals the soul's perspective of an issue. It can be applied to creative projects, family dysfunction, workplace dynamics, health troubles and more. The facilitator guides the client through an initial interview process to discern the key elements of the issue, before creating a dynamic map or 'constellation' using different representatives.
As the constellation unfolds, the facilitator offers short, concise sentences to be spoken by the representatives or the client, to reveal hidden truths and thus bring movement, healing and insight to the problem. In group workshops, other attendees are invited to stand as representatives in service of the client's process. In one to one work, the client chooses objects, or visualises the map with guidance from the facilitator.
Family Constellations work is sometimes described as 'the shortest of short term therapy'; and is therefore more of a one time 'key' to help open new avenues for healing, or unlock insights that can lead to movement. For issues requiring ongoing support, such as complex trauma, therapy is also strongly recommended.
Norina Shorter
Norina Shorter
Norina is a healing practitioner with over 10 years experience using multiple disciplines to support individuals on their journeys toward healing and flourishing - from people in the prison system to artists, writers, charity fund directors and corporate executives. She has engaged with Family Constellations since 2014; however her spiritual path has also been informed by Shamanism, Homeopathy, Christianity and the Latihan practice of Subud. You may therefore encounter elements of these lineages in her work. Norina is of mixed Filipino and British heritage, which is also of sacred significance to her in her practice.
Along with a Master's degree in Philosophy, Norina's qualifications and trainings include: Foundation and Applied Training in Systemic Constellations (Centre for Systemic Constellations); Narrative Therapy; Clean Language; Archetypes at Work (Olivier Mythodrama); and Reiki healing.
FREE 30 minute trial session
Resourcing Constellation
To connect with what's essential for now
30 mins - £30
One to one constellations
For insight, clarity and healing perspective
50mins - £75
One to one constellations (full session)
For issues requiring deeper enquiry
1hr 30 - £120