Mizan Therapy can help boost your fertility by ensuring that your womb is healthy and ready for pregnancy. I also support women who are having IVF. Eggs take three months to mature, so if you undergo treatment for this length of time you will be working with the best quality eggs possible for you .It will also help with reducing stress levels and emotional blockages.We will talk about your diet and lifestyle perhaps suggesting simple but effective changes as well as other resources that may be appropriate , such as herbal tinctures, vaginal steaming, castor oil packs or abdominal binding. Mizan Therapy works well in conjunction with other therapies such as acupuncture, reflexology, homeopathy and yoga . As I am also a fully trained reflexologist I may suggest that during your Mizan Therapy session we do a little bit of reflexology.
Terri Stevens
I am an advanced Mizan practitioner (abdominal massage, womb healing) , complementary therapist, doula and yoga teacher. My passion is helping people to reconnect with themselves physically, emotionally and spiritually. Reconnecting with my womb has been part of my own journey. For the last few years I have been receiving teachings from shamanic healer curandero Rocio Alarcon from Ecuador on healing with the energy of the hummingbirds, women’s wellbeing ( including post natal care and closing bones), and limpia ceremonies (a powerful spiritual cleansing ceremony). I have had a daily meditation practice since 2003, and facilitate an online meditation group.
Mizan Therapy £95, this is an in depth two and a half hour appointment for women who are looking to work on specific issues whether it be physical or emotional. It includes an in depth consultation where we create for you a bespoke self care routine, I share with you the self massage technique along with other tools, such as castor oil packing and vaginal steaming, to support you on your own healing journey, and you receive a full 60 minute massage.
Mizan Therapy £75, one hour long follow up treatment which includes a 15 minute consultation and a full 45 minute massage . This is also ideal for those who are wanting to experience the benefits of Mizan as a one off treatment, and for those of you who have been doing in depth work with me but are now further down the road and just need an occasional boost to support your self care.
Mizan Therapy package of first appointment plus two follow up appointments £225
Mizan Pregnancy massage £75 (15 minutes consultation, 45 minutes massage)
Mizan Post natal recovery £75
Reflexology £50 / £280 for 6 sessions (includes 15 minute consultation and a full 45 minute treatment)
Encaderamiento/ Hipping ( Closing the Bones )This is a traditional healing ritual and massage for the post partum period . It can also be nurturing after a pregnancy loss, miscarriage or termination. In Ecuador mothers are given this massage within hours of the birth and usually at least six times in the first 40 days postpartum. I have been fortunate to have learned this technique from curandero Rocio Alarcon, an ethno botanist from Ecuador who was trained in shamanism traditional midwifery and herbalisn by her mother and grandmother. This ceremony combines abdominal massage, rocking and binding of the womans hips with a piece of cloth to encourage her energy to return to the centre. I have also been taught Limpia ceremony by Rocio a special spiritual cleansing with herbs/ plants. To book or for more details of these ceremonies please do get in touch.
Contact Details:
Email: terriyeshe@gmail.com Mob: 07854 083979