What is Mizan therapy?

Mizan uses traditional healing techniques to address conditions involving female reproductive organs, the digestive system as well as emotional health. These techniques are still commonly used in many parts of the world including South America, Africa and the Far East to support women’s health. It is a gentle massage treatment that brings healing to the womb space and optimises women's health and well-being on both physical and emotional levels. Reconnecting with your womb is one of the most empowering things you can do for yourself as a woman whatever your stage of life.

What happens in a treatment?

The first appointment takes around two and a half hours it begins with a long consultation, a full treatment, I teach you a self care massage and may recommend other self care techniques and life style changes you can make to help yourself further. Subsequent appointments are an hour. Mizan is a massage of the lower and upper abdomen, lower back and a little bit of lymphatic work on the legs. 

How often is a Mizan recommended?

Initially, we suggest you to begin with a series of 3 sessions (at a reduced package price) and then it depends on what the reason for the treatment is . Sometimes the three appointments are enough , sometimes more time is needed. Many women have a monthly/bi-monthly Mizan treat for ongoing self -care and because every woman deserves a belly rub.

What can Mizan help with?

For a full list of benefits scroll down - Briefly Mizan helps with menstrual problems, PMS, PCOS, Fibroids, endometriosis, fertility, pregnancy,  post partum healing, pregnancy loss ( miscarriage or still birth), digestive problems, menopause symptoms, lower back ache, and emotional womb trauma.

Fertility, Pregnancy and Post Partum

Mizan offers nurturing treatment to pregnant women from second trimester right until the birth. It is relaxing and enjoyable for both mum and baby and provides relief from common complaints such as SPD, fluid retention, varicose veins etc. Regular treatments are a wonderful birth preparation encouraging optimal positioning of your baby and shorter, easier birth.

After the birth Mizan treatments will gently assist your womb and other internal organs into their optimal position and function. Weekly treatments are recommended as soon as possible after the birth. In case of caesarean section we will wait after the 6-week check.  Mizan helps to break down scar tissue after C sections. 

If you are struggling to become pregnant Mizan has both a one month and a three month fertility protocol , please get in touch if you would like more details. Mizan can be helpful alongside IVF up until embryo transfer.

Benefits of Mizan Therapy:

•          Mizan increases the circulation to reproductive organs, i.e. the uterus, the ovaries and the fallopian tubes, which helps to promote hormonal balance

•          It helps to reposition a misaligned uterus, which itself helps to increase circulation of blood, lymph, nervous system and qi

•          Cleanses the body of any toxic build up from congested circulatory systems

•          Helps to break down scar tissue

•          Aids the digestive system to be more efficient which then removes and prevents toxic build up in the body and enhances the immune system

•          Helps women to connect with their womb space

Benefits of Mizan Therapy during pregnancy

•          Can help to resolve the symptoms of SPD/PGP

•          Relieves common discomforts of pregnancy such as indigestion, heartburn, nausea, low back ache, sciatica, pressure and burning sensation in groin area, constipation, headaches, leg discomfort including varicose veins, frequent urination, incontinence and urinary tract infections
•          Encourages the baby and uterus into optimal positioning to facilitate pregnancy, labour and birth (regular treatments can shorten the length of labour and birth, even for first time mums)

•          Tones, strengthens and balances the uterus preparing for labour and birth

•          Synchronizes mum and baby for birth

•          Supports mum and baby relationship by stimulating an increased release of oxytocin, fosters bonding and prepares the uterus and placenta for labour and birth

•          Increases circulation to mum and baby

•          Reduces tension and anxiety

•          Addresses emotional issues on a cellular level and sets healing in motion. In Primal Health, Michael Odent says that the baby’s immune system is developed in the womb and the hormonal reactions of the mother during pregnancy play a role in the health of the baby for the rest of his or her life.

Menstrual difficulties:

•          Encourages the uterus to find her optimal postition

•          Balances the hormonal system

•          Enables the uterus to cleanse herself of old blood, including clots

•          Increases blood circulation to the uterus

•          Reduces toxicity and inflamed tissues, which eases pain

•          Eases stress, anxiety and emotional trauma that can lead to irregular cycles

Fibroids, polyps, endometriosis:

•          Repositions the uterus, making menstruation more efficient

•          Promotes hormonal balance and feedback between the uterus and ovaries

•          Encourages rich, oxygenated blood to the reproductive organs

•          Breaks down scar tissue and adhesions

•          Strengthens the liver to enhance metabolism of hormones


•          Rebalances the hormonal system and helps the feedback system between the reproductive organs

•          Clears congestion

•          Brings rich, oxygenated blood to the ovaries 

Fallopian tubes: 

•          Helps to reduce inflammation

•          Can break up scar tissue within the fallopian tubes

•          Can eliminate fluid build up in the fallopian tubes

Egg and sperm health:

•          Brings rich, oxygenated blood to the ovaries and testes

•          Can increase the quality and quantity of sperm

•          Can increase libido

Digestive troubles:

•          A relaxed diaphragm helps the digestion of food

•          Helps speed up the elimination of waste through the digestive system

•          Releases trapped wind and bloating

•          Promotes bowel movements to eliminate waste and prevent the body from re-absorbing toxins means for elimination

•          Eases stress for a more relaxed digestive system

•          Helps to increase confidence in intuition – that gut feeling

Emotional trauma:

•          Helps the body to let go of past trauma

•          Eases stress and anxiety



Terri Stevens

I am an advanced Mizan practitioner (abdominal massage, womb healing) , complementary therapist, doula and yoga teacher. My passion is helping people to reconnect with themselves physically, emotionally and spiritually. Reconnecting with my womb has been part of my own journey. For the last few years I have been receiving teachings from shamanic healer curandero Rocio Alarcon from Ecuador on healing with the energy of the hummingbirds, women’s wellbeing ( including post natal care and closing bones), and limpia ceremonies (a powerful spiritual cleansing ceremony). I have had a daily meditation practice since 2003, and facilitate an online meditation group.


Mizan Therapy - £165, this is an in depth two and a half hour appointment for women who are looking to work on specific issues whether it be physical or emotional. It includes an in depth consultation where we create for you a bespoke self care routine, I share with you the self massage technique along with other tools, such as castor oil packing and vaginal steaming, to support you on your own healing journey, and you receive a full 60 minute massage.

Mizan Therapy - £90, one hour long follow up treatment which includes a 15 minute consultation and a full 45 minute massage . This is also ideal for those who are wanting to experience the benefits of Mizan as a one off treatment, and for those of you who have been doing in depth work with me but are now further down the road and just need an occasional boost to support your self care.

Mizan Therapy package of first appointment plus two follow up appointments £315

Mizan Pregnancy massage £90 (15 minutes consultation, 45 minutes massage)

Mizan Post natal recovery £90

Reflexology £65 (includes 15 minute consultation and a full 45 minute treatment)

Encaderamiento/ Hipping ( Closing the Bones ): This is a traditional healing ritual and massage for the post partum period . It can also be nurturing after a pregnancy loss, miscarriage or termination. In Ecuador mothers are given this massage within hours of the birth and usually at least six times in the first 40 days postpartum. I have been fortunate to have learned this technique from curandero Rocio Alarcon, an ethno botanist from Ecuador who was trained in shamanism traditional midwifery and herbalisn by her mother and grandmother. This ceremony combines abdominal massage, rocking and binding of the womans hips with a piece of cloth to encourage her energy to return to the centre. I have also been taught Limpia ceremony by Rocio a special spiritual cleansing with herbs/ plants. To book or for more details of these ceremonies please do get in touch. £108 / £600 for 6 sessions

Contact Details:

Email: terriyeshe@gmail.com Mob: 07854 083979