Help teenagers BEAT Exam Stress
It’s coming up to that stressful exam time of the year again. For some young people it can be overwhelming and feel like their future is purely reliant on the results. The world health organisation report that 1 in 7, 10 to 19 year olds report a mental health disorder during assessment time. Research also tell us that it is harder to acquire information in the build up to exams if we are stressed *. Giving oneself permission to have stress release opportunities within the revision timetable may be really beneficial especially for the young adults taking GSCES and A levels. Doing something that we enjoy or something new and creative can be the answer to help beat the stress.
Small supportive and none judgemental group
At Anderida we are running a 6 week art workshop every Thursday for just for an hour to unwind and de-stress for 16 – 18 year olds. The sessions are partly funded by The Lottery and are only £5 with all materials supplied.
There will be a simple art activity offered to gentle music. The type of activity could be making a collage or drawing a pattern.
The aim is to have a quiet safe space to create something, with no judgement of the end result and to escape from the usual pressures of life.
Why does Art help?
Being a teenager can be an emotional time the process of art making can be calming and peaceful allowing more effective self regulation. Dealing with artistic materials is a sensory experience permitting a mindful moment. Mindfulness keeps us in the present which gives a sense of control and autonomy.
Understanding the importance of self care during stressful moments in our life is relevant to us all. Its important to help our teenagers recognise the relevance of healthy life time patterns for their future. To book a place please contact Anderida on Info@theanderidapractise.com.
Run by
My name is Sarah Thilo and I run the Finding Out Who You Are Through Art session for 13 -14 year olds at Anderida. I’m a BACP qualified Counsellor with art.
*Maria Theobald at the Leibniz Institute for Research and Information in Education, Germany and colleagues in their paper in Psychological Science. 11th November 1992