What Is Craniosacral Therapy And How Does It Work?

During the summer of 2005, I fell badly. A loose tile outside a London shop caused me to slip. In spite of being fit and healthy, the sudden slip was shocking and painful to my spine. The coccyx was diagnosed as injured, requiring rest and recuperation. My doctor told me there was nothing further to be done. One of my violinist friends suggested craniosacral therapy…

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Unlocking the Healing Power of Acupuncture: Meet the Ideal Acupuncture Patient

In our quest for holistic well-being, acupuncture emerges a fascinating art and science to explore.

Meet our ideal (fictional) acupuncture patient – a woman in her late fifties, who embarked on a journey to wellness a decade ago. She grappled with headaches and chronic fatigue, seeking answers from various clinics without success. The prospect of a life dominated by chronic pain was a wakeup call.

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